Blockchains: The End of the Corporation or its Reinvention? OuiShare Fest Panel

I spoke on May 18th at OuiShareFest 2016 edition in a panel with Claire Balva (Blockchain France), Vincent Fily (Microsoft), Arno Laeven (Philips Healthcare) moderated by Benjamin Tincq (OuiShare) and it was amazing how the panelist converged, though coming from substantially different angles.

Here was the initial pitch for the panel :

« The Internet has enabled decentralized exchange of information, but until know, any exchange of value had to rely on a trusted third party, even in the digital economy. With Blockchain Tech, even transactions can be managed in a completely distributed fashion, removing the need for any intermediary at all: it is « the Ultimate Uberization ». Does this mean corporations will eventually disappear, or morph into blockchain-based DAOs – « Decentralized Autonomous Organizations » ? Or in the contrary, will the transparency and efficiency of blockchain technology open a whole range of possibilities for businesses to reinvent their industry, hopefully for the better? »

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